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Well, I'm sure you've probably heard the term "secret life" somewhere before. It's probably used quite commonly. But, we had no other names, and this fit pretty darned snugly. So, what IS the Secret Life anyway? Does it deserve to have it's own blog?
Hmm....well, my friend Emily and I would have to say, "HECK, YES!"
You see, if you were like us (which I'm sure most of you are, because if you weren't then you probably wouldn't be here), you'd be pretty entertained.
So. We get bored on the bus. No, actually, we get very creative on the bus. You see, it's a very long bus ride.
It all started one day when an old man sat in front if us. He was coughing. We really hate when people cough. Why? Well, it's pretty obvious. We don't want to catch whatever they have. Yes, yes i know; it was an old man so it could have just been his age. But that has nothing to do with it, because it's gross either way.
Anyway, me being myself as always, I needed to "document" that moment with my camera, cause that's what I do, I document things that are of interest to me. It was one of the funniest things ever. So. Basically, in short, the Secret Life is a lovely collection of people's heads (from the back view) who sit in front of us on the bus. And believe me, theyre not just pictures, each picture has a story to go to along with it. Well, since you aleady know the story of the first one, I guess it's time to actually get thing thing going! From here on, it dosent matter what day we took them; each day will be given a label like so: today is Day #1, just as tomorrow, obviously, will be Day #2.

Day #1: The Old Man.
You know the story. We liked his shirt too.
Hmm...I wonder if we're allowed to do this.

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